I have decided to title my missions updates for June 2020. ”BUILDING THE BODY OF CHRIST”. Our God is Faithful and good, He will not allow us to stumble or to be stigmatized by the corona Virus pandemic.

The Federal Government of Nigeria has eased inter-state travels and Local flights for a period of four weeks. Church services are in sessions for only two hours with precautionary measures as prescribed by the government such as wearing of face masks, social distancing, wearing of hand gloves by those who share the Lord’s supper, washing of hands and sanitizers before entering the Church hall. A task force set up by the Government is checking churches to arrest offenders. We are doing our best to keep to these instructions while believing in God that the virus will end soon so that we will be able to carry out all our evangelistic programmes.

With God on my side I was able to accomplish the following activities for the lord in the month of June 2020 I have titled my June missions updates “Building the body of Christ”

  1. VISTIS TO TWINS AND NEW BORN BABIES: On 10th June 2020, after our normal Bible class, at the Church of Christ Abak Itenge, we visited a Christian lady who had given birth to twins. She is from a very poor background; I gave some financial assistance for their up keep

On the 11th June 2020, with the company of some Christian women from Church of Christ Ikot Akpabio, we visited a sister who gave birth to a baby recently. We donated some food, items to the family.

  1. TWO BAPTISMS RECORDED AT THE YOUNG CONGREGATION-CHURCH OF CHRIST ABAK ITEGNE: On 17th June, following our normal Wednesday bible class, two souls responded for Baptism. This young Church which I established on January 20, 2019 is growing as God gives the increases. I gave out some used clothes from my deceased wife to the women of this church and they were very happy to receive them.
  1. PURCHASE OF LAND FOR MISSIONS PROJECT: By the grace of God, I was able to locate a piece of land 4 plots besides my residence. I am requesting for some assistances to pay for the land. It costs 5 million naira presently, I have 1 million Naira and the Hillsboro congregation have started to contribute money for the land. I need 3 million Naira to complete the payment. This land will be used to build a Christian Rehabilitation centre and W.B.S study centre where W.B.S lessons will be displayed and distributed. Orphans and those who have various problems will be rehabilitated. I need your help so as to accomplish this missions driven project.

Once again thank you for your prayers and financial support for the advancement of the Lord’s Kingdom in Nigeria. May God bless you all in Jesus Name – Amen

Uyai Sunday Joshua

Solomon Solomon

My team of WBS visited one of the rural areas of Etim and 7 souls were added to the kingdom.

My name is Solomon Solomon, a gospel preacher who was converted by Doris Taylor in 1994 when she was a missionary here in Nigeria with her husband. I am one of the pioneer Degree students of NCBC (Nigerian Christian Bible College) in Religious Studies. I am greatly involved in mission work, evangelizing through WBS (World Bible School), Prison Ministry and also working with a Christian school (ACSS) as an Administrator.
I am happy to inform you that my team of WBS visited one of the rural areas of Etim Ekpo, a local government Area of Akwa Ibom State. We were blessed to have 7 souls added to the kingdom.
We are still in need of transportation to further the work.
May God bless you and your great work in Jesus name, Amen.
Solomon Solomon

World Bible School Team